Thinking that you are leading a healthy lifestyle? Apart from occasionally veering off the path, most of you must be thinking that you are doing a fair and fantastic job in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, right from your eating habits to involving physical activity in some form or the other in your daily routine. But have you ever asked yourselves, if that is enough to be considered as calling a ‘healthy lifestyle’? Well, to know more and understand better as to what actually a ‘healthy lifestyle’ is read below.

What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

You all must be aware of the obvious behaviors that describe someone to be healthy, to list a few of them: a healthy person doesn’t smoke, is capable of maintaining a healthy weight, gets a good amount of sleep, doesn’t drink too much, involved in some physical activity, eats healthy foods that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of fluids. Well, the list goes on and there are some more essential elements that need to be added to the list like: the person should know how to take care of his/her mental health and basically should understand that everything needs to be done in moderation all the time, from sleep to work out everything. 

Now, the good news is that you do not have to bring about all these lifestyle changes overnight, in fact, the trick to healthy living is by beginning to make small changes and then further taking more steps each day. Below we’ve compiled a list of 10 simple tips that will help you live a healthier and happier life – all things easy that can be incorporated into your daily lives.  

10 Lifestyle Tips for Living a Healthy Life

  1. Drink plenty of fluids

It is essential for adults to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water or more in case its hot, humid, or you are physically active in some form or the other in a day. Generally, water is considered as the best source of liquid intake but you can include fluids in other forms too like plain or flavored drinks, fruit juices, tea, milk, and other drinks, all can be okay – from time to time.

  1. Eat fruits & Vegetables & include a variety of foods in your diet 

Fresh fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals, therefore it is advised to take your essential vitamins and minerals through your diet. Ensure to include fruits and vegetables that help in keeping your immune system healthy in your diet. Also, do not forget your protein, eating foods rich in protein is essential for optimal health. Make it a point to eat regularly while controlling the portion sizes.

Vegetables and fruits are considered to be fully loaded with prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals, and several other antioxidants and some of which are assumed to have potent biological effects. As per the studies, people who include the most vegetables and fruits live longer and also have a lower risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other ailments.

  1. Minimize your sugar intake

Sugar intake levels should be well monitored as high sugar intake leads to several ailments like diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, and many other forms of cancer.

  1. Keep a track of your physical activity

Doing a physical activity never means that you are pushing yourself into doing something forcefully, it should be about burning calories, being healthy and having fun all at the same time in whatever form of physical activity you choose for yourself. Your focus should be on sweating in some way it can be in the form of running, biking, dancing, doing yoga, or any other physical activity you enjoy.

  1. Get a quality night’s sleep

Ideally most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Make sure you get a good quality night’s sleep. Follow these few tips before going to bed like keep your bedroom cool at night, and also avoid blue light after dark etc. for a sound sleep.

  1. Eat real food & avoid processed junk food

Avoid eating processed foods as they are immensely unhealthy and focus more on involving real foods in your diet. Processed foods are considered harmful for our bodies as these are engineered to promote food addiction by tricking your brain into overeating. These foods are low in fiber and protein content and also contain extremely unhealthy ingredients like added sugars and refined grains, thereby you loads of providing empty calories.

  1. Address Emotional Eating Issues

Do you have the habit of binge eating when you feel upset, stressed, or bored? It is very crucial to address the issues of emotional eating as early as possible, because this way you are eating to fill your emotion rather than the real hunger. Get to the root cause of your emotion and address it as you are surely going to regret the emotional eating later.

  1. Include Essential Supplements in your diet 

Even when we are eating healthily, there might occur a situation wherein your body lacks certain essential vitamins and minerals. Common nutrient deficiencies nowadays include: iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and calcium. Though, sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D, but most people aren’t able to get enough of this vitamin by just the sun’s exposure. To overcome the deficiency of Vitamin D and other essential vitamins in your body it is recommended to supplement your diet with essential multivitamins and minerals. Below you can find a list of top recommended supplements that you can consider including in your diet:

Vitamin D

Dee Ammrit is one of the most preferred Vitamin D supplements by the physicians owing to its great results. These chewable tablets help in the prevention of Vitamin D deficiency in your body very effectively.


Calcila Tablet/Syrup is one of the highly recommended calcium supplements by doctors that works wonders in treating calcium deficiency in your body.

Iron supplements

If your body is not able to meet the iron requirements through dietary sources, then you should consider including iron supplements in your diet. Our Redpro Plus Syrup/Drop/Capsules are one of the most highly recommended by the doctors. It is advisable to consult your doctor before making them a part of your diet.

Multi Vitamains & Minerals(for Enhacing Immunity)

In the wake of the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic Multi Ammrit stands true in its name by acting as an elixir that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals and helps in boosting your immunity and improving health. 

Tea Ammrit is yet another natural immunity booster. It consists of Ayush Kwath (comprising tulsi, dal chini,sunthi & Krishna Marich) enriched with the goodness of Mulethi and Bhui Amla, which helps in boosting the body’s inner strength to fight infections including COVID-19, and improving the overall health and functioning of your body.

  1. Do things that you enjoy

It is the most essential element of healthy living that often gets ignored. While you are making efforts to live a healthy life ensure that you,never forget to do things that make you happy or at times experimenting new stuff is also cool. The spark should always stay alive and you should feel happy about whatever you are doing with your life.

  1. Cultivate a positive attitude

Declutter your thoughts and aim at cultivating a positive mindset by recognizing negative thought patterns and look forward to countering them with positive thoughts always. 
Good health is not just restricted to following healthy eating habits and exercising, there’s definitely much more to it. One should have a positive attitude, a positive self-image, and a healthy lifestyle in order to live a healhy life. Our body is a temple and we need to take care of it in a healthy and systematic manner. Gradual changes in our lifestyles are easier to sustain than bringing about a whole lot of them all at once. Start now and stay committed to keep changing your lifestyle slowly and gradually thereby being a fitter and healthier version of yourself in the times to come.