Winter comes with some of the high-risk factors for people suffering from heart diseases, respiratory diseases, and other highly contagious viruses. The cold weather has the tendency to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, flu, and colds and all these conditions in the present scenario could make coronavirus even more severe. With the dropping temperatures each passing day, it is essential to take care of your heart and overall health. Have a glance at some of the top tips that will help you to keep your heart healthy this winter.

1.    Embrace the healthy and nutritious winter food

In general, cold weather is associated with hot and hearty meals as they have the tendency to keep you warm. Savoring warm meals during winters helps keep the immune system strong against all types of winter illnesses and viruses. Also, not to forget winter months imply that you will be spending more time indoors leaving you with no other option than to seek comfort in the form of food. There is no problem with it but choosing heart-healthy meals is what you need to take care of.

Check out these healthy eating tips that will keep you nourished this winter. 

  • Use plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables when planning your meals in winter. 
  • Don’t think that there are fewer healthy options in winters as the seasonal vegetables take more time to prepare as compared to the food we consume in summers. There are lots of nutritious food items that you can consider consuming and are easy to cook also like beetroot, sprouts, capsicum, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, etc.
  • Soups and stews are a great option to consume during winter months as these are filling, nutritious and heart-healthy too.

2.    Maintain a sleep routine

Getting enough good quality sleep is very essential for balanced mental and physical health. In many cases, poor sleep is linked to the development of numerous health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. On average adults need a good quality sleep of about 7-9 hours each night and for that, a consistent evening routine can help you sleep better. Check out the tips you can follow to build some healthy sleeping habits.

  • Keep regular sleeping hours
  • Declutter the bedroom and keep your environment sorted
  • Set yourself a time each night to switch off from technology
  • Relax and calm yourself before going to bed

3.    Keep moving

Exercising or simply moving is important for your overall physical and mental health throughout winter. The cold weather season usually makes it hard to stick to an exercise routine and not to forget exercising during the winter months is as important as exercising during other times of the year. There can be a number of excuses for not exercising during winter. To get started, you should try these small changes in your daily habits that will help you make a difference in the long-term.

  • Take 10-15 minutes out of your hectic schedule and go for a walk during the day.
  • Layer up with clothes when going outside to exercise. Light layers that draw sweat away from the body will help keep you warm and dry.
  • Do not forget to keep a beanie or cap, gloves, and scarf with you to keep you  warm when heading outside.
  • If exercising outdoors is not your thing, then ensure to stay indoors and make the most of online exercise classes.

4.    Take care of your mental health

Shorter days imply darker and longer nights leaving you spending more time indoors and this can be a top reason to make you feel low. The lack of exposure to sunlight means you aren’t getting the right amount of Vitamin D and hence contributing a great deal to your low mood. Therefore, it is recommended to take Vitamin D supplements in the autumn and winter season.

Dee Ammrit is one of the highly preferred Vitamin D supplements by physicians owing to its great results. These chewable tablets help in the prevention of Vitamin D deficiency in your body very effectively while helping you maintain the Vitamin D levels in your body.

5.    Protect yourself from flu or any infections

Commonly the flu spreads during the winter months and you must ensure that you are doing everything to protect yourselves as it can lead to serious health problems if proper care is not taken. On the off chance, if you happen to have an existing heart condition, then you are at a higher risk and need to take extra precautions and proper care of your heart and overall health. 

6.    Do not ignore heart warnings and symptoms

If you feel severe and unbearable chest pain and you find it radiating to your neck, shoulder, or hands then that’s the most common symptom of a heart attack. The symptoms of a heart attack may vary for men and women. In the case of men, the common symptoms are nausea and dizziness whereas women complain of atypical symptoms like dizziness and unexplained fatigue. Therefore, it is advisable to get your heart checked once in winter and take proper care and precautions of your heart if you have an existing heart condition.

Refer to some of the tips mentioned below that will help you stay heart healthy all year and keep you in the best possible shape when winter rolls around:

  • Follow a heart-healthy diet.
  • Don’t forget to exercise regularly.
  • Be aware of your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar numbers, and consult your physician to keep them in the normal range.
  • Follow some steps to manage stress.
  • Ensure you listen to your body and if you feel something different, consult your doctor. ṣ

The Winter season can give you a tough time both physically and mentally so it is advisable to take care of your health for the next few months. Take inspiration from the six tips discussed above and practice these small daily lifestyle habits and look after your health. Don’t forget to take care of others for every bit of support helps and can make the cold winter months a lot more easy and comfortable to survive.