
Regular exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
The human body today has evolved from its nomadic ancestors who were habituated to find shelter and food after lot of travelling or efforts. Our body still needs that physical fatigue to function efficiently. Modern technologies have made our lives quite simple. Read more…

Smoking and Heart Disease

Only a smoker knows the joy and the bliss of whiling away time with a cigarette in his hands. And then, there are aspiring smokers, who think it to be a “cool habit. The ultimate level is attained by the chain-smokers (no reference to the band), for whom, even basic activities are done with a cigarette in hand, and packets succeed each other rapidly. For many of them, it is not even a choice; it is an obsession, a habit which they cannot get rid of even if they want. Read more…

Career Women and Breast Cancer

In the modern world, a working woman is not an unfamiliar sight. Career aspirations do not discriminate between men and women; so it is not a surprise when thousands of young and middle aged women have joined the workforce, strengthening it further. However, every action has its perks and cons. Read more…

Health is not valued till sickness comes

Good Health is the greatest blessing that needs to be cherished and taken care of. Each and every activity that we go to is governed by our health. The quote “Health Is Not Valued Till Sickness Comes” seems to be very apt nowadays as people tend to overlook their health since they feel that they have other more important things to accomplish. But, we need to ask ourselves that, will we be able to accomplish even a mundane task if our health is not good. Read more…

Giving back to the society

Social Activities:
We, the team of PharmaSynth intend to make our every effort count to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities. From affordable pricing of our branded generics to strengthening of medicines distribution infrastructure in rural areas and patient awareness, we have distinctly exhibited our ability to make a significant difference in improving the health status of our fellow citizens. Read more…

Why we are passionate about our work.

Medicines are an essential part of human life. Human life became too busy in day-to-day life that human cannot watch the diseases coming in their path. It is very necessary to have medicines in modern life because it gives a better relief to the person. Various types of diseases are happening in day-to-day life like chicken-pox etc. So, it is necessary to make the best medicine that ruined the disease at best and give a better relief to the person. Advancement is the motto of the 21st era and every field is rapidly changing and technology has improved at a large extent. Read more…

A broad look at the facilities offered at PharmaSynth

A broader look at the operations carried out at the manufacturing unit of PharmaSynth
PharmaSynth manufactures various types of dosage forms, mainly Tablets, Capsules, Beta-Lactum, Oral Liquid, Oral Powder, Dry Syrup, Ointments, Creams, Lotions, Ear & Nasal Drops, Enema, Cosmetics, etc.
To begin with the widely used solid dosage form i.e., Tablets. Depending upon the formulation of a tablet, it can be directly swallowed with water or chewed before swallowing or dispersed in water before administration or retained in the oral cavity where the active part of the tablet is liberated. Read more…